In one way or another how we work is going to change post-pandemic. 100% office-based and 100% home-based are both extremes on the spectrum of work. With Zoom fatigue already looming, flexible working seems the way forward.
CFOs are already looking at savings from the reduction in office-based work: in real estate by replacing fixed desks with hot desks (or no desks); reduced travel means less travel expense. Reinvesting what is saved in the physical space into the digital space would be a wise investment.
For many CIO’s the pandemic highlighted clear strategic and investment gaps in their digital technology portfolios. Now there is a compelling reason to put in place robust, innovative and forward-thinking IT that will be crucial to enterprise success – and sustainability -moving forward.
The future will see people working where they feel most effective, not where they were historically expected to be, and that inevitably must shift IT’s focus towards employee needs. The only way to find out how and where they work best is to ask them.
Over the last year IT has seen an enormous, and continually-evolving change in end user experiences. Digital infrastructure must keep pace with employee needs, and those needs will be dynamic, and ever-changing. So how do you know what has worked, what needs to change, and what needs to be prioritised?
The only reliable source of data on changing employee needs is the employees themselves. By asking and listening to them you can be sure you have the evidence to support your proposal of what does and doesn’t work, what are their top priorities, so you can ensure you are getting value from your investment.
The experience gap is going to be a key focus for organisations and IT teams throughout 2021, and into the future. Smart CIOs are already mining the gap, responding to feedback, and getting their proposals in place to get ahead of the next wave.